Frequently Asked Questions

Wave Network is the leading entertainment platform that creates opportunities for people from all walks of life to become investors and subsidize production of projects that are produced by various partner companies for the network’s owned and operated and affiliate stations.
Is Wave Network just another crowdfunding platform?
No, we’re not a crowdfunding site, but an investment platform where you as an individual can invest and receive returns with pre-determined interest on projects that you subsidized with your investment on the site. There are no backer gifts like T-shirts, or your name appearing in credits. Only investment returns in the form of an e - check sent directly to your email, or funds routed electronically to your PayPal account.
If you’re different from crowdfunding then how exactly am I supposed to approach this when considering investing?
You should approach this as an investment opportunity, not crowdfunding. Our shows’ investment pages list all the information that is required at the time for investment and are continually updated throughout the process.
The basic information listed includes:
title of the show. ( with a logo at first, then a series of photos once green- lit for production)
name of the person who created the series
a synopsis of what the show is about
developmental executive’s name
a color- coded interest- return icon indicating the interest percentage amount you will receive on your return - interest returned on the amount you invested)
production companies or companies hired to produce the series
number of episodes running in the season
All shows’ project pages will be continually updated until the show reaches post production.
Is there a set time limit on your projects for investing like you see on crowdfunding?
We have learned over the past few years that budget estimates for a television show pilot can vary from time to time. So, we don’t set any time limits or goal bars on our projects, like you would see on a crowdfunding site. A project is removed when it’s reached the estimated production cost for funding or if the hired production company has given us a final price. We do this so that the series won’t be underfunded but also to keep from being overfunded as well. Wave Network only takes in the investment it needs to fund a particular project, not what we can pocket or be used to fund another project. Once a series is fully funded it won’t be posted again until it has been renewed for a second season. So, if you see an older project remain posted on our site it just means that funding for that particular project is still needed.
Do I have to invest in an entire season or can I invest in a single episode?
Yes, you may invest in a single episode as well as multiple episodes in a series. Our investment platform is setup for individual investors who don’t want to place a great amount of their investment into an entire series. But remember, diversify your investment. Putting all your eggs into one basket does have consequences. So we encourage you to spread your investment throughout the platform by investing in a variety of shows offered.
Does your company have a business plan?
We do not provide a separate business plan for individual investors because the structure of our business is a peer - to - peer lending platform and not individualized. Our investment opportunity is open to anyone wanting to profit from television production. Essentially, our website is the business plan.
Who produces your content?
We hire only professional production companies to produce our shows and we take the investment of your money very seriously. At no point during pre-production, production, or post are a skeleton crew or amateurs hired. All scripts are written by professional screenwriters but they also undergo strict screenplay coverage by the experts of ScriptXpert at the Writers Store until they have reached our professional standard. Every production company hired to produce in partnership with Wave Network is listed on the project’s page. This also includes any company hired to do special visual effects (CGI, SFX) that might be required for the project.
Do you have anything popular I can invest in?
This is where we greatly differ from crowdfunding. In crowdfunding, projects are mostly driven by what’s popular with the crowd, which leads content creators and networks to skip over certain demographics of audiences in order to please a small segment. This is why we ask that you try to refrain from investing in any project for the sole purpose of popularity. Television shows don’t often find an audience right away, and when they do its’ usually not the popular shows that everyone started out investing in that survive. Learn to diversify your investments. For example, if a Western premiered and became popular it would in your best financial interest to invest a minimum of $25 even though the show might have baby boomers as a big part of its audience. Remember we aren’t a crowdfunding website and you won’t receive a gift, only returns, so you want to make the best of your investment by investing in something that will yield a return, and that sometimes means putting aside certain prejudges about a particular show’s genre or demographics.
Does your network have advertisers or sponsors that help fund your programming?
We don’t allow outside advertisement on our network. The only exception is for products that are relevant to the network’s interests. For example, we’re a reseller of Final Draft, which is used by our writers when developing programming for the network. Only products that are sold by the network (comic books, magazines, show promotions) that have a direct impact on the development of our shows and the products we create will be advertised. This means fewer commercials will be displayed during our programming than what is currently running on other cable, television, and video platforms. All network stations are subscription based.
Is there any financial risk to investing in your shows?
Yes, you should consider and understand that there’s always a certain amount of risk involved when investing in any form of entertainment, and shows can be canceled if they fail to attract an audience. But we have taken steps to reduce the risk by:
Investing at least 5% directly from our pocket.
Eliminating all outside advertisement so that the audience has more time to connect with their favorite programs.
Developing unique concepts that don’t follow the current industry model like remakes or focusing on a single gene. (Being different does have its advantages.)
Sending all first-draft scripts to a professional third- party coverage consultant.
Assigning each project its own dedicated development executive.
There are NO REFUNDS ON INVESTMENTS! We have taken risk too by investing 5% of our own money into each project.
What demographics do you cater to?
We cater to all age demographics, and since we are an Internet television network and not a television network there’s no outside pressure from advertisers or sponsors, which allows us to produce without conflict for the 14-35 crowd as well as the 65+ age bracket.
Is your investment opportunity only available in the United States?
No, we do allow investment from around the world, using PayPal. Please make sure that you’ve opened a personal PayPal account prior to investing and list the email that you are using with your account in the checkout cart, so we’re able to place funds into your account. Please note: that we pay all of our international investors their returns using PayPal. Also beware that Wave Network does not cover PayPal’s international transaction fees.
How long will it take before I see my return on my investment?
It depends on the project. If it’s a multi-camera or single- camera sitcom it could be a couple of days. A drama, could take a couple of weeks. If the project requires any special effects such as CGI or an SFX make-up artist then it could take longer. You will be notified of a project’s progress either through email or the website. Our company policy clearly states that investors are to be paid back first from subscriptions as soon as the show they’ve invested in hits the airwaves. Producers are paid last, when a single season of their show goes into syndication on the network’s other channels.
What are the benefits of having a membership?
Your membership include many privileges:
a sneak view of the network’s primetime line up before it airs on any of our stations.
discounts on tickets to network production stage plays and multi-camera sitcom shoots.
discounts on the purchase of all network products.
special pricing on tickets to select amusement parks.
Can I be both an investor and a member?
Yes, at the same time or after you’ve invested. Members are the only people allowed to view the network’s primetime lineup. An investor only receives revenue from the money he or she has invested. So, in order to get a sneak peek of a television show, teaser, or pilot you must become a member.